Game Informations
You are an adventurer trying to adapt to a world newly at peace when a strange sickness appeared in your home town.
The Blissful Sleep makes each contaminated unable to fully wake up. It is not a huge danger for the sick, but you decide to go back home when you hear your sister caught it.
Soon after, you’ll discover what is the real nature of the Blissful Sleep as you explore the world of dreams and try to not get kicked out by its inhabitants.
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How to install?
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 124.96 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Blissful Sleep – Ongoing – Version 0.2.6 Download Links
Windows Fileknot Transfaze Anonzip
Android APK Fileknot Transfaze Anonzip
Mac OS Fileknot Transfaze Anonzip
Linux Fileknot Transfaze Anonzip